How SIITS Works


We Implementing a work-from-home (WFH) policy can bring significant value to businesses in several ways. Firstly, it enhances employee satisfaction and work-life balance, leading to increased productivity and reduced turnover rates. When employees have the flexibility to work from their preferred environment, they are more likely to feel motivated and engaged, resulting in higher job satisfaction and improved overall performance.

Secondly, WFH arrangements often lead to cost savings for businesses. Companies can reduce office space requirements, utility expenses, and other overhead costs associated with maintaining a physical workspace. This allows them to allocate resources to other critical areas of their operations, ultimately boosting efficiency and profitability.

Lastly, work from home can foster a more diverse and inclusive workforce. By offering remote work options, businesses can attract talent from different geographic locations, diversifying their team and gaining access to a broader pool of skilled professionals. This diversity of perspectives and experiences can lead to innovative problem-solving and better decision-making within the organization, further driving business growth and success.

How SIITS Sustain 100% WFH

SIITS embraces a 100% sustainable work-from-home culture, fostering an environment that not only benefits the business but also contributes positively to the planet. By promoting remote work, SIITS significantly reduces its carbon footprint, minimizing the need for employees to commute daily, leading to a substantial decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

To ensure the success of this sustainable approach, SIITS adopts advanced technologies that enable seamless communication, collaboration, and project management among its remote workforce. Through cutting-edge video conferencing, cloud-based tools, and collaboration platforms, employees can stay connected, productive, and engaged while working from the comfort of their homes.

Moreover, SIITS actively promotes eco-conscious practices among its employees, encouraging responsible energy consumption, waste reduction, and recycling. By creating a culture of environmental consciousness, SIITS not only boosts its business by attracting top talent who align with these values but also sets an example for other organizations to follow, contributing to a more sustainable future for the business world.

Employee First

In a work-from-home culture facilitated by SIITS, employees experience a newfound sense of work freedom and peace of mind, which greatly enhances their efficiency and productivity. With the flexibility to create personalized work schedules, employees can align their tasks with their peak productivity hours, leading to better focus and performance. This autonomy empowers them to strike a healthy work-life balance, reducing stress and burnout, ultimately leading to a happier and more motivated workforce.

The absence of a daily commute in a remote work setup further contributes to the peace of mind enjoyed by employees. Eliminating the time and stress associated with traveling to and from the office allows them to invest that time in personal pursuits, leisure activities, or spending quality time with family. This rejuvenating break leads to increased job satisfaction and a stronger sense of well-being, which directly translates to higher dedication and commitment to work tasks.

SIITS also fosters a supportive virtual work environment, where open communication and transparent feedback channels are encouraged. With regular check-ins and virtual team meetings, employees feel connected to their colleagues and supervisors, ensuring that they remain in sync with organizational goals and expectations. This collaborative atmosphere instills a sense of belonging and camaraderie, further contributing to the employees' sense of peace and fulfillment while working from home.

How Customer's Business Effected

The implementation of a work-from-home policy at SIITS has resulted in a substantial reduction in operating costs for the company. With employees working remotely, there is a decreased need for physical office space, utility expenses, and other overhead costs associated with maintaining a traditional office setup. This cost-saving advantage allows SIITS to allocate resources more efficiently and invest in cutting-edge technologies and training programs for its employees.

SIITS passes on the benefits of these cost reductions to its customers by offering more competitive pricing and value-added services. As the company experiences lower operating expenses, it can adjust its pricing models to remain competitive in the market while still providing top-notch services. Customers benefit from cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality and efficiency of SIITS' offerings, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Additionally, the reduced operating costs enable SIITS to invest in research and development, leading to innovative solutions and improved service offerings for its customers. This focus on continuous improvement ensures that SIITS remains at the forefront of the industry, delivering cutting-edge technologies and unparalleled expertise to its valued clientele.

Reduction of Carbon Footprint

By transitioning to a 100% work-from-home model, SIITS has made significant strides in reducing its contribution to the global carbon footprint. With employees no longer commuting to the office daily, there is a notable decrease in the use of fossil fuels and emissions from vehicles. This reduction in transportation-related emissions leads to a positive impact on air quality and helps mitigate the effects of climate change.

Furthermore, the work-from-home setup significantly reduces energy consumption at SIITS' physical office locations. With fewer employees occupying office spaces, there is reduced demand for electricity, heating, and cooling systems. The decreased energy consumption translates to a lower overall environmental impact, conserving valuable resources and promoting sustainable practices.

Additionally, the 100% remote work culture at SIITS extends beyond its immediate operations. By encouraging employees to work from home, the company indirectly influences their lifestyle choices. Employees may opt for energy-efficient appliances, practice responsible waste management, and adopt other eco-friendly habits at home, further contributing to a positive environmental impact.

Moreover, SIITS' commitment to a work-from-home model can serve as a catalyst for other organizations to adopt similar practices. By leading by example, SIITS encourages the business community to reevaluate traditional office-centric approaches and consider more sustainable alternatives, contributing to a collective effort in reducing the global carbon footprint and fostering a greener, more environmentally-conscious future.

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Our Core Team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Esther Bryce, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from IT architecture to offering robust Accounting Solutions and end-to-end HRMS Solution.

Deep Bagchi

Founder / MD/ CEO

Dev Ranjan

VP - Business, Revenue, Technology & Marketing

man wearing black polo shirt outdoor during daytime
man wearing black polo shirt outdoor during daytime
Vignesh Narayana

AVP - Technology

man taking selfie
man taking selfie
Jai Singh

AVP - People Practice